Cyber Insurance - What is at stake?

O seguro cibernético tem recebido maior atenção recentemente, globalmente. As seguradoras têm dupla face no que diz respeito ao risco cibernético. São alvos dos criminosos cibernéticos por deterem grandes quantidades de dados pessoais e, por outro lado, elaboram e vendem seguros que protegem seus clientes. Para compreender melhor o que está em jogo no ciber-seguro […]

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What fundamental trends will mark the insurance digital transformation agenda in 2021?​

Cinco personalidades do sector, desde founders a peritos em transformação, partilham as suas visões (…)

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Ageas INsure – Open Innovation. Talking innovation with Nuno Horta

The Ageas Portugal Group is present in 14 countries, 5 in Europe and 9 in Asia. In Portugal, the group stands in the top 3 of insurance groups. Ageas INsure - Open Innovation was recently (...)

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Beyond Insurance – the new strategy for incumbents?

About 3 years ago, we started to hear about beyond insurance. Large international groups are developing strategies to build beyond insurance ecosystems, managed through (...)

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Transformação digital nos seguros e o peso do legacy mental (PT version only)

Vivemos numa era digital e as nossas aspirações e expectativas são determinadas pela conveniência e eficiência trazidas pelas novas tecnologias. Mesmo que existam processos, produtos e grupos populacionais com (…)

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Interview: José Galamba de Oliveira, President, Portuguese Association of Insurers

You took part in the start-up of an imminently technological bank, of which you are still executive director (BIG – Global Investment Bank). You were CEO of Accenture Portugal where you led many technological (...)

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Insurtech Panorama in Portugal: 2019

Insurtech in Portugal has been experiencing a period of development with an accelerated dynamism. Any player can bring innovation to the industry, but there is no doubt that startups bring tremendous energy to this process. I herein will focus on the important role of these small and agile business units, and also relate them to other relevant stakeholders of the process. (...)

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Will tech save health insurance?

The Health at a Glance study, released on November 7 by the OECD, reveals that Portuguese families have to pay more and more to care for their health. (...)

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Web Summit Portugal 2019 flashback

Those who were in Lisbon between November 4th and 7th will have felt a hype, hyperactive, cosmopolitan and frenetic atmosphere in the city. For 4 days and 4 nights the city (...)

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Portugal - an investor's heaven for (insur)tech businesses?

Portugal, a small country at the south western tip of Europe, has since the turn of the decade, year on year, attracted increasing international attention from tourists and investors, reaching a record 12.8 million foreign visitors in 2018, for a population of just over 10 million. (...)

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